TUG means GUI Unit Testing (Testing Unitario GUI in Spanish). It is a framework to create test batteries for Qt applications in Linux, Windows and OS systems.

The TUG framework is based on the Qt Test framework, and is composed of two elements:

what does TUG provide?

A video better than a thausand words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUis6JrycrA


After 7 steps, 3-5 minutes and no code, you get:

what does a TUG package/release contain?

A new release can be created by executing "scripts/create_release.sh". This script receives the version number as a single argument.

Generated releases can be found at "releases/" folder. Each one includes:

Please, go to "doc/" folder and open TUG_doc.pdf to find a quick usage guide and further information about this testing framework.

compile, (modify) and run TUG

The projects composing TUG can be easily imported and compiled from Eclipse (https://eclipse.org/downloads/). Just follow these steps:

  1. Download this repository and install Eclipse. Open Eclipse.
  2. File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace. (Next)
  3. Select root directory of the project.
  4. Repeat 2 and 3 for the three projects: qt48_model, tug_generation_wizard, tug_testapi_codegen.

Maven will download all dependencies and everything should run fine.

Please, notice that if you are running TUG directly from Eclipse (i.e., by running the main file of the project tug_generation_wizard), you will need to set the working directory manually:

  1. Right click on the tug_generation_wizard project > Run as > Java application
  2. Select WizardWindow`. Close app.
  3. Right click again on the tug_generation_wizard project > Run as > Run configurations
  4. Select WizardWindow in the left menu > Arguments tab > Working directory > Select Other > click Workspace... and select, within the compilation folder, the directory including the config folder.

Any problem? Please, contact me at pedrolmn@gmail.com

contents of this repository


TUG project was born with the main purpose of providing a unit testing framework for graphical user interfaces. The main goal was providing developers with a method to easily create a battery of tests for Qt-based applications. The tests had to simulate, as far as possible, users interaction with the interface.

With this purpose, the TUG project is divided into two main components:


The TUG Project is an initiative of Cátedra SAES (http://www.catedrasaes.org) funded by the SAES company (http://www.electronica-submarina.com). This project and all its components have been designed and developed at University of Murcia (Spain).